位於台北市敦化北路的台塑大樓,台塑關係企業(英語 名:Formosa Plastic Group;亦稱台塑集團)為台灣最大的企業集團,緣起於1954年創立之福懋公司,1957年更名為台灣塑膠工業股份有限公司(簡稱「台塑」)。旗下事 業橫跨塑膠、紡織、石化、電子、能源、運輸、工務、生物科技、醫療、教育等領域....
Hwa North Road, Taipei City is located in the Formosa Plastics Building, Formosa Plastics affiliates (English name: Formosa Plastic Group; also known as Formosa Plastics Group) is Taiwan's largest enterprise groups, the origin was established in 1954 Fumao company, renamed in 1957 Taiwan Plastics Industry Co., Ltd. (referred to as the "Formosa"). Across its business plastic, textile, petrochemical, electronics, energy, transport, public works, biotechnology, health care, education and other fields ....