
乾清宮是皇帝的正寢,也是后寢最高的宮殿。乾清宮大殿的正中懸 挂著清世祖順治皇帝御筆書寫的"正大光明"匾額,匾下方是金漆寶座。乾清宮是從明代永樂皇帝到清代康熙皇帝的寢宮。清代雍正之后的皇帝雖然依据養心殿,但 是這里依舊是禮制上的正寢,一些重要的召見也依然在這里進行;重大典禮前,皇帝也還是要從這里出宮。此外,這里也是皇帝死后停靈的地方,這是為了取"壽終 正寢"之意。(模型正在修改中,希望能完整呈現紫金城之美!)

The Palace of Heavenly Purity, or Qianqing Palace (Chinese: 乾清宫; pinyin: qiánqīng gōng) is a palace in the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. It is the largest of the three halls of the Inner Court (the other two being the Hall of Union and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility), located at the northern end of the Forbidden City. During the Qing dynasty, the palace often served as the Emperor's audience hall, where he held council with the Grand Council.

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設計團隊: TaiwanSPM
