台北車站位於台灣台北市中正區,為臺灣鐵路管理局縱貫線的鐵路車站,同時和台灣高速鐵路、台北捷運形成三鐵共構的地下車站,也是台北捷運板南線、淡水線的交會車站。站體周圍也有長途公路客運中樞站台北轉運站及台北西站A棟、B棟。台北車站不但是全台灣運量最大的車站,也是大台北地區最大的交通樞紐;每日進出人次近四十萬人次以上,光是台北捷運的每日旅運量就高達約294,367人次 Taipei Station,Taiwan Taipei Station, also called Taipei Railway Station (臺北火車站, by the Taiwan Railway Administration) or Taipei Main Station (by the Taipei Metro), refers to the old downtown region in Taipei City, Taiwan, where different modes of public transport systems converge. The Taipei Railway Station is at the center of this region. Prior to the completion of the Taipei Metro (MRT) link to the station, the region was simply known as the Taipei Station or the Taipei Railway Station. The station handles over 400,000 passengers per day, including 294,366 using the MRT and 52,313 using high-speed rail. Taipei Station and its surroundings are currently undergoing intensive renovation and redevelopment. Projects include the construction of the Taoyuan Airport MRT System (slated to begin service by 2013), the Q Square shopping mall, and the Gate of Taipei. 3D景點: 台灣 台北車站 設計者: Tang Huang(熊出沒) 使用軟體:SketchUp 聯絡方式:tang1997@gmail.com |